Oral Interaction Language Test
Giving your opinion
Giving your opinion neutrally
"I think…."
"I feel that…."
"In my opinion…."
"As far as I'm concerned…."
"As I see it…."
"In my view…"
Giving a strong opinion
"I'm absolutely convinced that…."
"I'm sure that….."
"I strongly believe that…."
"I have no doubt that…"
"What do you think?"
"What's your view?"
"How do you see the situation?"
Agreeing and disagreeing
"I think you're right."
"I agree with you."
Strong agreement
"I couldn't agree with you more."
"You're absolutely right."
"I agree entirely."
"I totally agree."
Agreeing in part
"I agree with you up to a point, but..."
"That's quite true, but..."
"I agree with you in principle, but..."
"I'm not sure I agree with you."
"(I'm afraid) I don't agree."
"(I'm afraid) I disagree."
"(I'm afraid) I can't agree with you."
"(I'm afraid) I don't share your opinion."
Note that when you disagree with someone, you can often sound
more polite by using a phrase such as "I'm afraid..."
Disagreeing strongly
"I don't agree at all."
"I totally disagree."
"I couldn't agree with you less."
Keeping a conversation going
Making comments
"No!" - to show surprise
"I don't believe it!" - to show surprise
"Wow!" - to show admiration or surprise
"That's incredible / amazing / unbelievable" - to show great
interest in the subject of conversation
"How awful / terrible" - to show sympathy with someone else's bad
Asking questions
"Really?" - to show surprise
"And you?" - when someone asks you how you are
"Did you?" - can be used to encourage someone to tell their story.
For example, "I saw her last night" "Did you?" "Yes, she was with one of her friends, and she...."
lunes, 5 de julio de 2010
miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010
Blogging in English
Write about your blogging experience.
- Did you enjoy it? Why? Why not?
- Did it help you improve your English?
- Give your opinion of the advantages and disadvantages of blogging in the English class.
Minimum 280 words
Write 3 comments to any member of the class you wish.
- Did you enjoy it? Why? Why not?
- Did it help you improve your English?
- Give your opinion of the advantages and disadvantages of blogging in the English class.
Minimum 280 words
Write 3 comments to any member of the class you wish.
Encuesta docente
Dear all:
Very important to do before July 9th. Visit
And do the evaluacion docente, please.
Very important to do before July 9th. Visit
And do the evaluacion docente, please.
miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010
Rate it!!

Today's task is to visit a classmate's blog and then write about it..
Post your review (220 words min.) on your blog with a picture that sums up how you felt when reading the blog:
Whose blog you are reviewing
What the blog is called
How many posts there are
Any particular features of the blog you like.
Which is your favourite post and why.
What aspect of English they should focus on more.
suggest one thing your classmate could do to improve their blog.
miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010
Today's post
Two choices
Choice I:
Write a report on the Chilean game against Honduras.
What were the strengths shown by Chileans?
What were the weaknesses?
Which players make it happen?
A comment on Honduras’s game.
220 words, 3 comments.
Choice II:
What makes Chileans Chileans?
What are our main characteristics? Good and bad.
are we nationalistic? When?
Develop any ideas on the topic.
250 words, 3 comments.
Choice I:
Write a report on the Chilean game against Honduras.
What were the strengths shown by Chileans?
What were the weaknesses?
Which players make it happen?
A comment on Honduras’s game.
220 words, 3 comments.
Choice II:
What makes Chileans Chileans?
What are our main characteristics? Good and bad.
are we nationalistic? When?
Develop any ideas on the topic.
250 words, 3 comments.
miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Dear all.
Today, I will not write or publish my favorite picture. Haven't got it nearby, sorry.
Write about a photograph you like.
Who took it
What it shows
When it was taken
Why you like it
Include any other information you think is important.
miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010
Do schools kill creativity?
martes, 25 de mayo de 2010
Good Technology

The word technology sometimes leads to confusion.
Actually many people think of computers or really funky machines when they come across it. The idea that a pen represented technology in the past or many other simple services created to satisfy people, does not really spring to mind at first.
To think of my favorite piece of technology is rather simple. I have two, though.
I think the first one if my mobile phone. That is for a very simple reason. I like the idea of integration. For me to have a camera, the music I like and a diary with the numbers of poeple I want to ring, is really good I can't believe I used to memorize so many numbers! My brain must be deteriorating big time nowadays. The best part of it is the organizer. This is the only way I get to pay bills on time, send "boletas" on certain dates, etc. I love it. I got it in 2007 and use it all the time.
The second item I'd like to mention is the external disc drive. I think when you have lost all your info because your PC died or because you got it stolen or whatever reason, it can be really tragic. That is why I learnt we need to save info on a safe place that "ideally" will not collapse or disappear. I have complete books, whole albums of good music, and lots of documents that have taken me hours to download or write myself and don't want to lose. I don't remember when I got this but long ago. Could I live without them? Hell yeah! I would have to get used to it, that's all.
Describe your favourite piece of Technology.
- How you got it
- How long you have used it
- How often you use it
- Why you like it
Describe how life would be without it (220 words minimum)1 comment on your teacher's blog and 3 Comments on your classmates'.
miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010
Today's post
Today we have our second themed post. Since I have only received one suggestion. This is mine.
In my area of study, I think you need a number of skills; The first one is probably being studius and systematic in your reading on second language acquisition, methodology, assessment among others. I think the good rapport you have with students is a very important aspect to consider for learning to take place. If your students feel comfortable, they are more likely to learn.
I think this is an inborn quality that comes with your personality. I believe in respect to everyone around me (who deserves it). Regarding being studious, I think it is a habit that anyone can develop.
I think my university gave me the main tools and the degree, but probably the best courses I've done have been intensive and by foreign institutions. Edperience also teaches you loads.
I think what most teachers are missing nowadays is extra time for professional developmentand, in Chile, a decent salary. This has to do with motivation, which is essential for good education.
With regards to what courses miss in general, I dare to say the problem is not so much the course, as the reasons why people study pedagogy, which range form having a low PSU score to liking something theoretical more than actually being in the classroom.
Regarding the future, I believe there are good things ahead. I have had all sorts of teaching jobs. I think maybe I need to devote some hours to working with children for a change. They are a completely different story in the classroom.
Looking forward to hearing what you've got to say.
What are the main skills needed in your area of study?
Which of these skills are inborn and which are learnt?
Do you feel this university is providing you with what you need for the future?
What is the course missing? if anyhing.
Do you feel prepared for what the future awaits(workwise)?
Reflect on these questions and write a minimum of 220 words, plus 3 comments in one of your classmates blogsand 1 on mine. Remember to post today. Tomorrow you get 1 point. Add a picture if you like.
In my area of study, I think you need a number of skills; The first one is probably being studius and systematic in your reading on second language acquisition, methodology, assessment among others. I think the good rapport you have with students is a very important aspect to consider for learning to take place. If your students feel comfortable, they are more likely to learn.
I think this is an inborn quality that comes with your personality. I believe in respect to everyone around me (who deserves it). Regarding being studious, I think it is a habit that anyone can develop.
I think my university gave me the main tools and the degree, but probably the best courses I've done have been intensive and by foreign institutions. Edperience also teaches you loads.
I think what most teachers are missing nowadays is extra time for professional developmentand, in Chile, a decent salary. This has to do with motivation, which is essential for good education.
With regards to what courses miss in general, I dare to say the problem is not so much the course, as the reasons why people study pedagogy, which range form having a low PSU score to liking something theoretical more than actually being in the classroom.
Regarding the future, I believe there are good things ahead. I have had all sorts of teaching jobs. I think maybe I need to devote some hours to working with children for a change. They are a completely different story in the classroom.
Looking forward to hearing what you've got to say.
What are the main skills needed in your area of study?
Which of these skills are inborn and which are learnt?
Do you feel this university is providing you with what you need for the future?
What is the course missing? if anyhing.
Do you feel prepared for what the future awaits(workwise)?
Reflect on these questions and write a minimum of 220 words, plus 3 comments in one of your classmates blogsand 1 on mine. Remember to post today. Tomorrow you get 1 point. Add a picture if you like.
martes, 11 de mayo de 2010
a place

I'd like to tell you about a wonderful place I visited in 2008. Actually, I think it is one of the most amzing places I have seen in the past few years, and it is just around the corner. I went there with my husband and my sister- in-law. I had to drive for around 9 hours to get there (neither of them felt like driving), but it was well worth it. The place is called Malalcahuello, but I think all the surroundings are quite impressive. This holiday was kind of nuts, but really nice. It was kind of crazy to travel with my sister-in-law for so many days. We camped, we stayed in hostels, we ate lovely food, we swam in lakes, we had fights, we met nice people and saw amazing deers, rabbits, foxes and birds.
This particular picture was taken on the way from Malacahuello to Corralco (a great national park) and it shows one of the many half- dead trees in the area. I believe the ninth region is really gorgeous. I am a big fan of green in the whole sense of the word. I was born in the south and maybe this is what makes me love this colour so much.
Write about a place in Chile that you enjoyed visiting. Upload a picture.
When you went there
Who you went with
What you did there
Why you like this place
(200-220 words)
Then write at least one comment on your teacher's blogs and three comments on your classmates' blogs
martes, 4 de mayo de 2010
Two possibilities

Hello Guys:
Today you get the chance to choose between two different posts.
Post 1
Write about a career-related website that you enjoy visiting.
You should:
- provide a link
- describe the website (sections, features,etc)
- say how often you visit the site
- explain why you like the site.
>Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs
>Word Count: 190 - 200
Post 2
Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?
-Who she/he is.(very short biography)
-What she/he has done. (examples of their work, images if you like)
-What makes him/her special.
-Include his/her image
> About 190 -200 words please
>Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs
miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Dear students:
Do you know any brilliant English learning websites? I do. It's the BBC, and I think it rocks.
Today task is to visit:
Take a look around, You can have a look at sections like "words in the news", pronunciation, face up to phrasal (very appropriated) Wordmaster to practice vocabulary, or even watch the flatmates, to name but a few. (Use the headphones to listen)
Write at least 170 words please. Your opinion on the site in general. Specific activities.
Don't forget to post comments on at least 3 of your classmates blogs and your teacher's.
lunes, 26 de abril de 2010
miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010
Very hard to choose!

Because I love good cinema and movies in general, I find it very difficult to pick a favourite film. However, what sprung to mind on this particular occasion is the film “The daytrippers” by director Greg Mottola. It first came out in 1996 and I probably saw it at the end of that year. I went to the cinema with my husband (partner at the time) without expecting anything.
The cast was pretty impressive considering this is the story of an ordinary family (whatever that means! I loved each and every character in it. The sense of humor in it is just brilliant. I won’t tell you more. If you haven’t seen it I strongly recommend it.
Write about your favourite movie
Who’s it by
When you saw it for the first time,
Why you like it,
What makes it better than other movies.
Write at least 170 words. Leave comments on the blogs of at least 3 classmates and your teacher’s blog too.
martes, 13 de abril de 2010
Best ad
I would like you to think of the best commercial spot you can remember.
What does it advertise?
When did you first see it?
Why did/do you like it? What struck your attention?
Do you think it encourages people to buy the product they advertise?
It would be great if you could upoload it!!!
Any extra info you want to add is more than welcome. (150 words Minimum)
Here's one I find pretty good.
For any unispired students:
In your opinion, who is the best architect or designer?
Tell me what you think.
Who it is
What they have done
Why you like them
Explain what makes them the best.
Please find some examples of their work in images and post them too
What does it advertise?
When did you first see it?
Why did/do you like it? What struck your attention?
Do you think it encourages people to buy the product they advertise?
It would be great if you could upoload it!!!
Any extra info you want to add is more than welcome. (150 words Minimum)
Here's one I find pretty good.
For any unispired students:
In your opinion, who is the best architect or designer?
Tell me what you think.
Who it is
What they have done
Why you like them
Explain what makes them the best.
Please find some examples of their work in images and post them too
martes, 6 de abril de 2010
Shaken,not stirred...

Hello everybody:
Today we start writing about a fact that somehow changed the course of Chilean history.
February 27th 2010 (3:34:17)
Here you have some questions to look at and develop some ideas. Minimum 150 words.
Remember you cannot use translators. However, you can use a dictionary:
Where were you when it happened?
How did you feel?
How did you react?
How did the people around you react?
Others you could think of…
Did your property or your relatives’ suffer any damage?
Do you think this earthquake shook more than concrete structures?
How do you react now when there are aftershocks?
How has your conception of earthquakes changed after February 27th?
Do you think this earthquake shook more than concrete structures?
How do you react now when there are aftershocks?
How has your conception of earthquakes changed after February 27th?
Add any other info you would like to.
Post 3 comments in your classmates’ blogs.
martes, 30 de marzo de 2010
Week one

Hello Everybody:
Welcome to the world of blogging in English. I will be asking you to write about different topics over the semester.
But first is first.
To begin with you need to create a gmail account. Then, go to blogger.com and follow the instructions. Please remember to change the language during set up so that your blog is in English.
1. If you have a google account: sign in first, if you don’t have a google account: create a google account
2. Go to: http://www.blogger.com/
3. Click: create your blog now
4. Name your blog
5. Choose any template you like
6. Go to dashboard, scroll down to the bottom of the page & change the language to English.
7. Start posting (dashboard)
1. If you have a google account: sign in first, if you don’t have a google account: create a google account
2. Go to: http://www.blogger.com/
3. Click: create your blog now
4. Name your blog
5. Choose any template you like
6. Go to dashboard, scroll down to the bottom of the page & change the language to English.
7. Start posting (dashboard)
Today's task is simple. Write your first post. Write a little about yourself and what your expectations for this semester are. (70 words min.)
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